Seed & Sod

Why Seed?
Larger selection of species available. Different mixes of species and blends of different cultivars are available for specific management practices, sun or shade, disease resistance and soil type.
Lower initial cost than sodding.
Timing of establishment is critical. Best time is in September. April is also a good time, but weed seeds germinate in greater numbers in Spring.
Longer time period to get a dense lawn.
May require reseeding due to poor germination in some areas or wash outs from heavy rain or irrigation.
Weeds can be a problem until lawn is fully established.
Initial watering is critical.

Why Sod?
"Instant Lawn"
May be walked on soon after planting.
Dust, mud and erosion are quickly reduced.
May be planted anytime during the growing season as long as adequate water is available.
Basically weed-free.
Higher initial cost than seeding.
Choice of species is limited.
Not produced in shaded environment.
Larger volume of water initially.
Sod may shrink and weeds may invade, especially if the sod is not properly installed. Do not stretch sod. Stagger seams similar to brick-laying.
Speed of rooting varies with season. Spring and Fall are optimal.